CCTV News: Baru -baru ini, banyak lembaga asing telah merilis laporan, optimis tentang aset China.
Laporan terbaru dari Goldman Sachs Group di Amerika Serikat percaya bahwa pasar saham Cina telah mengantarkan awal terbaik dalam sejarah tahun ini.
Wang Xinjie, chief investment strategist at Standard Chartered China Wealth Solutions Department, said: "The value revaluation of a technology stock driven by DeepSeek has also driven the prospect of a whole China's asset revaluation. We see that the overall Chinese technology stocks have begun to attract market attention."
Duan Bing, an analyst at Nomura China's technology and telecommunications industry, said: "We believe that the development momentum of China's technology innovation field is very strong, and we are also very optimistic about the future development direction."